Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (2024)

What is PC HelpSoft Driver Updater?

PC HelpSoft Driver Updateris a driver updater that triggers our PUP detection rules. By doing so we offer users a choice to consider whether they want to use this software. More information can be found on ourMalwarebytes Labs blog.

How do I know if I am affected by PC HelpSoft Driver Updater?

This is how the main screen of the system optimizer looks:

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (1)

You will find these icons in your taskbar, your startmenu, and on your desktop:

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (2)

and see this type of windows during install:

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (3)

and this type of screens during operations:

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (4)

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (5)

You may see this entry in your list of installed programs:

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (6)

and this task in your list of Scheduled Tasks:

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (7)

How did PC HelpSoft Driver Updater get on my computer?

These so-called driver updaters use different methods of getting installed. This particular one was downloaded from their website.

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (8)

How do I remove PC HelpSoft Driver Updater?

Our program Malwarebytes can detect and remove this PUP.

  • Please downloadMalwarebytes for Windowsto your desktop.
  • Double-clickMBSetup.exeand follow the prompts to install the program.
  • When yourMalwarebytes for Windowsinstallation completes, the program opens to the Welcome to Malwarebytes screen.
  • Click on theGet startedbutton.
  • ClickScanto start aThreat Scan.
  • When the scan is finished clickQuarantineto remove the found threats.
  • Reboot the system if prompted to complete the removal process.

Is there anything else I need to do to get rid of PC HelpSoft Driver Updater?

  • No, Malwarebytes removes PC HelpSoft Driver Updater completely.
  • This PUP creates a scheduled task. You can readherehow to check for and, if necessary, remove Scheduled Tasks.

What if I want to keep PC HelpSoft Driver Updater?

Should users wish to keep this program and exclude it from being detected in future scans, they can add the program to the exclusions list. Here’s how to do it.

  • Open Malwarebytes for Windows.
  • Click theDetection History
  • Click theAllow List
  • To add an item to theAllow List, clickAdd.
  • Select the exclusion typeAllow a file or folderand use theSelect a folderbutton to select the main folder for the software that you wish to keep.
  • Repeat this for any secondary files or folder(s) that belong to the software.

If you want to allow the program to connect to the Internet, for example to fetch updates, also add an exclusion of the typeAllow an application to connect to the internetand use theBrowsebutton to select the file you wish to grant access.

How would the full version of Malwarebytes help protect me?

We hope our application and this guide have helped you in dealing with this driver updater.

As you can see below thefull version of Malwarebyteswould have warned you against the PC HelpSoft Driver Updater installer.

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (9)

and we block access to their domain:

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (10)

Technical details for experts

You may see these entries in FRST logs:

(PC HelpSoft Labs Inc -> PC HelpSoft) C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\HDMTray.exe(PC HelpSoft Labs Inc -> PC HelpSoft) C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\PCHelpSoftDriverUpdater.exeTask: {08A48073-A9AC-4F28-9A52-7630AC4E4161} - System32\Tasks\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater automatic scan and new device notifications => C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\HDMTray.exe [3091712 2021-01-20] (PC HelpSoft Labs Inc -> PC HelpSoft) <==== ATTENTIONC:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\PC HelpSoft Driver UpdaterC:\Windows\system32\Tasks\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater automatic scan and new device notificationsC:\Users\Public\Desktop\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater.lnkC:\ProgramData\Desktop\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater.lnkC:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PC HelpSoft Driver UpdaterC:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater(PC HelpSoft ) C:\Users\{username}\Downloads\Driver_Updater.exePC HelpSoft Driver Updater v5.3.500 (HKLM-x32\...\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater_is1) (Version: 5.3.500 - PC HelpSoft)

Alterations made by the installer:

File system details [View: All details] (Selection)--------------------------------------------------- Adds the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater Adds the file 7z.dll"="6/8/2020 6:51 PM, 1025280 bytes, A Adds the file English.ini"="1/18/2021 1:09 PM, 39680 bytes, A Adds the file HDMSchedule.exe"="1/20/2021 2:52 PM, 3998976 bytes, A Adds the file HDMTray.exe"="1/20/2021 2:52 PM, 3091712 bytes, A Adds the file HomePage.url"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 155 bytes, A Adds the file PCHelpSoftDriverUpdater.chm"="5/28/2018 3:30 PM, 16105 bytes, A Adds the file PCHelpSoftDriverUpdater.exe"="1/20/2021 2:52 PM, 7455488 bytes, A Adds the file SList.db"="1/9/2016 5:04 PM, 1093632 bytes, A Adds the file SList.txt"="1/15/2021 4:37 PM, 79540 bytes, A Adds the file sqlite3.dll"="6/8/2020 6:32 PM, 873192 bytes, A Adds the file stub64.exe"="1/20/2021 2:52 PM, 372992 bytes, A Adds the file unins000.dat"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 44821 bytes, A Adds the file unins000.exe"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 2558817 bytes, A Adds the folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater Adds the file Help.lnk"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 1226 bytes, A Adds the file PC HelpSoft Driver Updater on the Web.lnk"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 1301 bytes, A Adds the file PC HelpSoft Driver Updater.lnk"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 1226 bytes, A Adds the file Uninstall PC HelpSoft Driver Updater.lnk"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 1151 bytes, A Adds the folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater Adds the file 04074E7867D72A5F07BC16742DF4AFE77381C7A3.7z.pre"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 3633 bytes, A Adds the file 04074E7867D72A5F07BC16742DF4AFE77381C7A3.7z.status"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 38 bytes, A Adds the file 19788CAFB1D5B164ECECCC9E5865245FFCAC311E.7z.pre"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 5230 bytes, A Adds the file 19788CAFB1D5B164ECECCC9E5865245FFCAC311E.7z.status"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 38 bytes, A Adds the file 2879550825C2D5D6091E4F4446E9C1D0FC625621.7z.pre"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 3899 bytes, A Adds the file 2879550825C2D5D6091E4F4446E9C1D0FC625621.7z.status"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 38 bytes, A Adds the file 4DFF017657469E00843CFAEF6FCF3A6A7E8270E5.7z.pre"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 3817 bytes, A Adds the file 4DFF017657469E00843CFAEF6FCF3A6A7E8270E5.7z.status"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 38 bytes, A Adds the file D720761C908F8B618AD1E0C21C4817A411B2EC11.7z.pre"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 4371 bytes, A Adds the file D720761C908F8B618AD1E0C21C4817A411B2EC11.7z.status"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 38 bytes, A Adds the file Devices.ini"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 116883 bytes, A Adds the file DevicesPlus.ini"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 112034 bytes, A Adds the file Drivers_new.db"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 24110080 bytes, A Adds the file program.log"="2/2/2021 8:51 AM, 3734 bytes, A Adds the file Scan.ini"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 5157 bytes, A Adds the file settings.ini"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 34 bytes, A Adds the folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\Backup Adds the folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\Cache Adds the file 006809FA0E088371EF9693B3AD3D41EA226DC1AC1_7_64.ini"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 231 bytes, A Adds the file 03CFBAE9C1615BB1E7FC8E1F45A0E381347F3BAE1_7_64.ini"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 232 bytes, A Adds the file 04E173799F780AABED73CE1F2D2FED6CF70AFD8D2_7_64.ini"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 268 bytes, A Adds the file 06F393D0E69365B87BDCE5C206CC8E6C2B31C946F_7_64.ini"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 269 bytes, A Adds the file 070BEF60E6496BCAD6258A455DC7A46DE16BC32B8_7_64.ini"="2/2/2021 8:49 AM, 225 bytes, A Adds the folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\Log Adds the folder C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\Undo In the existing folder C:\Users\Public\Desktop Adds the file PC HelpSoft Driver Updater.lnk"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 1208 bytes, A In the existing folder C:\Windows\System32\Tasks Adds the file PC HelpSoft Driver Updater automatic scan and new device notifications"="2/2/2021 8:48 AM, 3114 bytes, ARegistry details [View: All details] (Selection)------------------------------------------------ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater_is1] "DisplayIcon"="REG_SZ", "C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\PCHelpSoftDriverUpdater.exe,0" "DisplayName"="REG_SZ", "PC HelpSoft Driver Updater v5.3.500" "DisplayVersion"="REG_SZ", "5.3.500" "EstimatedSize"="REG_DWORD", 20099 "HelpLink"="REG_SZ", "" "Inno Setup: App Path"="REG_SZ", "C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater" "Inno Setup: Deselected Tasks"="REG_SZ", "" "Inno Setup: Icon Group"="REG_SZ", "PC HelpSoft Driver Updater" "Inno Setup: Language"="REG_SZ", "en" "Inno Setup: Selected Tasks"="REG_SZ", "desktopicon" "Inno Setup: Setup Version"="REG_SZ", "6.0.3 (u)" "Inno Setup: User"="REG_SZ", "{username}" "InstallDate"="REG_SZ", "20210202" "InstallLocation"="REG_SZ", "C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\" "MajorVersion"="REG_DWORD", 5 "MinorVersion"="REG_DWORD", 3 "NoModify"="REG_DWORD", 1 "NoRepair"="REG_DWORD", 1 "Publisher"="REG_SZ", "PC HelpSoft" "QuietUninstallString"="REG_SZ", ""C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\unins000.exe" /SILENT" "UninstallString"="REG_SZ", ""C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\unins000.exe"" "URLInfoAbout"="REG_SZ", "" "URLUpdateInfo"="REG_SZ", "" "VersionMajor"="REG_DWORD", 5 "VersionMinor"="REG_DWORD", 3 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater] "a7330f1905bae25449ee92f7acd1def1"="REG_SZ", "PC HelpSoft Labs Inc" "AppStart"="REG_DWORD", 1 "BackupDir"="REG_SZ", "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater\Backup" "BtnFixPressed"="REG_DWORD", 1 "DatabaseDate"="REG_BINARY, .... "DelayedStart"="REG_DWORD", 0 "InstallationDate"="REG_SZ", "02-02-2021" "InstallPath"="REG_SZ", "C:\Program Files (x86)\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater" "InstallStat"="REG_DWORD", 0 "Language"="REG_DWORD", 1 "LastNotificationTime"="REG_BINARY, .... "LastScan"="REG_BINARY, .... "LastSrvCheck"="REG_BINARY, .... "LastSrvNotification"="REG_BINARY, .... "nDownloads"="REG_DWORD", 3 "NewAppNotifier"="REG_DWORD", 1 "NewToolbarNotifier"="REG_DWORD", 1 "OutdatedDrivers"="REG_DWORD", 5 "OutdatedPackages"="REG_DWORD", 5 "ProxyAddress"="REG_SZ", "" "ProxyLogin"="REG_SZ", "" "ProxyPassword"="REG_SZ", "" "ProxyPort"="REG_SZ", "" "ScanExecuted"="REG_DWORD", 1 "SetupName"="REG_SZ", "C:\Users\{username}\Desktop\Driver_Updater.exe" "SoftwareNotifications"="REG_DWORD", 1 "StartupNotifier"="REG_DWORD", 1 "StartWithWindows"="REG_DWORD", 1 "TotalDrivers"="REG_DWORD", 63 "URLParams2"="REG_SZ", "lic=Licensed&cat=PUP&lang=en&prod=MBAM-C&ver=" "UseProxy"="REG_DWORD", 0

Malwarebytes log: Details-Scan Date: 2/2/21Scan Time: 8:59 AMLog File: 914434a4-652c-11eb-9f45-080027235d76.json-Software Information-Version: Version: 1.0.1157Update Package Version: 1.0.36615License: Premium-System Information-OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1CPU: x64File System: NTFSUser: {username}-PC\{username}-Scan Summary-Scan Type: Threat ScanScan Initiated By: ManualResult: CompletedObjects Scanned: 233077Threats Detected: 13Threats Quarantined: 13Time Elapsed: 2 min, 46 sec-Scan Options-Memory: EnabledStartup: EnabledFilesystem: EnabledArchives: EnabledRootkits: DisabledHeuristics: EnabledPUP: DetectPUM: Detect-Scan Details-Process: 1PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\PC HELPSOFT DRIVER UPDATER\HDMTRAY.EXE, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, , , , , 6F8BDCE8BAC425744C04E9C717618D78, 6CE6B29927F89EE59473BE98359463653A01A3C62411F1208C746F4F62A1CD13Module: 2PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\PC HELPSOFT DRIVER UPDATER\SQLITE3.DLL, Quarantined, 8364, 904412, , , , , 14E1F7EBCE8EED6A8D1F49BCA82115AE, AB8C0780873291E65723DB4ACD0EB58476781A842087EFEE8770F825906D1332PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\PC HELPSOFT DRIVER UPDATER\HDMTRAY.EXE, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, , , , , 6F8BDCE8BAC425744C04E9C717618D78, 6CE6B29927F89EE59473BE98359463653A01A3C62411F1208C746F4F62A1CD13Registry Key: 3PUP.Optional.Avanquest, HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\SCHEDULE\TASKCACHE\TREE\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater automatic scan and new device notifications, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, , , , , , PUP.Optional.Avanquest, HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\SCHEDULE\TASKCACHE\TASKS\{08A48073-A9AC-4F28-9A52-7630AC4E4161}, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, , , , , , PUP.Optional.Avanquest, HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\SCHEDULE\TASKCACHE\LOGON\{08A48073-A9AC-4F28-9A52-7630AC4E4161}, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, , , , , , Registry Value: 0(No malicious items detected)Registry Data: 0(No malicious items detected)Data Stream: 0(No malicious items detected)Folder: 2PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\PC HELPSOFT DRIVER UPDATER, Quarantined, 8364, 904412, 1.0.36615, , ame, , , PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\USERS\{username}\APPDATA\ROAMING\PC HELPSOFT DRIVER UPDATER, Quarantined, 8364, 904413, 1.0.36615, , ame, , , File: 5PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\PC HELPSOFT DRIVER UPDATER\SQLITE3.DLL, Quarantined, 8364, 904412, 1.0.36615, , ame, , 14E1F7EBCE8EED6A8D1F49BCA82115AE, AB8C0780873291E65723DB4ACD0EB58476781A842087EFEE8770F825906D1332PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\TASKS\PC HelpSoft Driver Updater automatic scan and new device notifications, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, , , , , 1D5682B0D45BB3FA85F89E490D5CFF91, FA2F74AB7A60C2502FBB11AB636D6FE9D1DC020BC5CEDF8E0A933724A71CB478PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\PC HELPSOFT DRIVER UPDATER\HDMTRAY.EXE, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, 1.0.36615, , ame, , 6F8BDCE8BAC425744C04E9C717618D78, 6CE6B29927F89EE59473BE98359463653A01A3C62411F1208C746F4F62A1CD13PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\USERS\{username}\DOWNLOADS\DRIVER_UPDATER.EXE, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, 1.0.36615, , ame, , 84E00F0610420A42412108AE2ECDD19B, D0384A209CAA95497BDF58A0A56D8E3C21D12FC49A35B6DB2841DD6912186DA1PUP.Optional.Avanquest, C:\USERS\{username}\DESKTOP\DRIVER_UPDATER.EXE, Quarantined, 8364, 904416, 1.0.36615, , ame, , 84E00F0610420A42412108AE2ECDD19B, D0384A209CAA95497BDF58A0A56D8E3C21D12FC49A35B6DB2841DD6912186DA1Physical Sector: 0(No malicious items detected)WMI: 0(No malicious items detected)(end)

As mentioned before thefull version of Malwarebytescould have protected your computer against this potentially unwanted program.
We use different ways of protecting your computer(s):

  • Dynamically Blocks Malware Sites & Servers
  • Malware Execution Prevention

Save yourself the hassle and get protected.

Removal instructions for PC HelpSoft Driver Updater (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.