Draws and Winners | 2nd Chance | California State Lottery (2024)

Draws & Prizes

After you find the 2nd Chance draw you want, just select the draw name for details. If you don't see your draw, look for it in the Results & Winners tab. To see your entries and results, view My Submissions.


Value of Prizes Available

`); }; var redrawResultsTableForPrizes = function(pageDto) { var tableHtmlString = ""; for (let i = 0; i < pageDto.draws.length; i++) { tableHtmlString += drawResultRowHtmlForPrizes(pageDto.draws[i], i + 1); } $('#accordion-draws-winners').html(tableHtmlString); }; var drawResultRowHtmlForPrizes = function(draw, rowNumber) { var totalPrizeAmount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < draw.drawPrizes.length; i++) { totalPrizeAmount += draw.drawPrizes[i].prizeCount * draw.drawPrizes[i].totalPrizeValue; } const htmlString = "

" + "

" + "" + "

" + "

" + "

" + "

" + "

" + "

" + draw.drawDescription + "

" + "

" + "
Draw Type:
" + "
" + draw.drawType + "
" + "
Value of Prizes Available:
" + "
$" + totalPrizeAmount.format() + "
" + "
Open for Code Submissions:
" + "
" + getDateTimeForPrizes(draw.openDate) + "
" + "
Code Submissions Deadline:
" + "
" + getDateTimeForPrizes(draw.entryDeadline) + "
" + "
Winners Posted By:
" + "
" + getDateTimeForPrizes(draw.winnersPostedBy) + "
" + "
This information provides draw details and is not a winner notification message.
" + "

" + "

" + "

" + "

" + "

" + "

"; return htmlString; }; var redrawPaginationControlForPrizes = function(playerDrawPageDto) { let page = playerDrawPageDto.currentPage; let mTotalPages = playerDrawPageDto.totalPages; let str = ''; let active; let ariaActive; let pageCutLow = page - 1; let pageCutHigh = page + 1; var gameType = $('#PrizesGamePrograms').val(); var mDraws = $('#draws').val(); var previous = 'PREVIOUS'; var next = 'NEXT'; if (page > 1) { str += "

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  • ...
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  • ...
  • '; } str += "

  • " + "" + mTotalPages + "
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  • " + "" +next + "
  • "; } else { str += "

  • " + "" + "" + next + "
  • "; } str += ''; // Return the pagination string to be outputted in the pug templates document.getElementById('mPrizesPagination-top').innerHTML = str; document.getElementById('mPrizesPagination-bottom').innerHTML = str; return str; }; var redrawShowResultsLabelForPrizes = function(playerDrawPageDto) { const mTotalPages = playerDrawPageDto.totalPages; const mPageNumber = playerDrawPageDto.currentPage; const mTotalResults = playerDrawPageDto.totalItems; if (mTotalPages === 0) { $('#totalResultsPrizes-top').html(""); $('#totalResultsPrizes-bottom').html(""); } else { if (mPageNumber < mTotalPages) { $('#totalResultsPrizes-top') .html("Showing " + (((mPageNumber - 1) * 25) + 1) + " to " + mPageNumber * 25 + " of " + mTotalResults + " Results"); $('#totalResultsPrizes-bottom') .html("Showing " + (((mPageNumber - 1) * 25) + 1) + " to " + mPageNumber * 25 + " of " + mTotalResults + " Results"); } else { $('#totalResultsPrizes-top') .html("Showing " + (((mPageNumber - 1) * 25) + 1) + " to " + mTotalResults + " of " + mTotalResults + " Results"); $('#totalResultsPrizes-bottom') .html("Showing " + (((mPageNumber - 1) * 25) + 1) + " to " +mTotalResults+ " of " + mTotalResults + " Results"); } } }; $('#PrizesGamePrograms').change(function() { secondChanceServiceForPrizes(1, $('#PrizesGamePrograms').val(), $('#draws').val()); }); $('#draws').change(function() { secondChanceServiceForPrizes(1, $('#PrizesGamePrograms').val(), $('#draws').val()); }); $(document).ready(function() { secondChanceServiceForPrizes(pagenumber, gameType, draws); }); var getDateTimeForPrizes = function (unixTimestamp) { if (unixTimestamp === 0) { return 'TBD'; } const a = new Date(unixTimestamp); const usaTime = a.toLocaleDateString("en-US"); return usaTime; } })();

    Results & Winners

    See if you won! Find the 2nd Chance game and date you want, then just select the draw name and you’ll see a list of winners. You can also check your account for more information.



    `); }; var redrawResultsTable = function(pageDto) { var tableHtmlString = ""; for (let i = 0; i < pageDto.draws.length; i++) { tableHtmlString += drawResultRowHtml(pageDto.draws[i], i + 1); } $('#accordion-results-winners').html(tableHtmlString); }; var drawResultRowHtml = function(draw, rowNumber) { var drawWinnersCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < draw.drawPrizes.length; i++) { drawWinnersCount += draw.drawPrizes[i].drawPrizeWinners.length; } var totalPrizeAmount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < draw.drawPrizes.length; i++) { totalPrizeAmount += draw.drawPrizes[i].prizeCount * draw.drawPrizes[i].totalPrizeValue; } var htmlString = "

    " + "

    " + "" + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + draw.drawDescription + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "
    Draw Type:
    " + "
    " + draw.drawType + "
    " + "
    Value of Prizes Awarded:
    " + "
    $" + totalPrizeAmount.format() + "
    " + "
    Total Entries:
    " + "
    " + parseInt(draw.numEntries).toLocaleString('en', {useGrouping:true}) + "
    " + "
    Open for Entry:
    " + "
    " + getDateTime(draw.openDate) + "
    " + "
    Entry Deadline:
    " + "
    " + getDateTime(draw.entryDeadline) + "
    " + "
    Winners Posted By:
    " + "
    " + getDateTime(draw.winnersPostedBy) + "
    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; for (let i = 0; i < draw.drawPrizes.length; i++) { htmlString += drawWinnerRowHtml(draw.drawPrizes[i]); } htmlString += "" + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    " + "

    "; return htmlString; }; var drawWinnerRowHtml = function (drawPrize) { var htmlString = ""; for (let i = 0; i < drawPrize.drawPrizeWinners.length; i++) { htmlString += "

    "; htmlString += "" + drawPrize.prizeDescription.formatCurrency() + ""; htmlString += "" + drawPrize.drawPrizeWinners[i].playerName +" / "+ drawPrize.drawPrizeWinners[i].playerMunicipality + ""; htmlString += "

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  • ...
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  • ...
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  • " + "" + next + "
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    Draws and Winners | 2nd Chance | California State Lottery (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Delena Feil

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5980

    Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

    Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Delena Feil

    Birthday: 1998-08-29

    Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

    Phone: +99513241752844

    Job: Design Supervisor

    Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

    Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.